New Ration Card Application Form in Uttar pradesh राशन कार्ड 2015

State Government Of uttar pradesh now going to start issue a news ration card to eligible BPL/ Antodaya  / APL rural or urban candidates of uttar pradesh. Government of UP currently provides a Subsidies wheat, rice, Sugar, kerosene etc to Ration card (राशन कार्ड  ) of uttar pradesh. Currently government started the renewal process of Old ration card in state of Uttar pradesh. Process of issuing new rationcard will be started after the parliament election.
Currently supply department busy in renewal process of old ration card but due late working mechanism its expected that renewal will not be completed before the last date 20 February 2015. supply department issue a renewal form to ration dealer for renewal purpose but officer dealer and card holder not showing there interest in renewing that’s why chief secretary food and RASAD now taken a strict action against those officers. Secretary now set the last date of form is 28 February for renewal after that no renewal form will be accepted. If Your renewal of card will not done before given time then candidates will not get food, grains, an kerosene . government started the renewal process  from November 2013 and it was schedule to complete before  February 2015  but due to now submission of application form government extend the last date many times. आपूर्ति विभाग / Supply department distribute form many time in multiple phase but mostly all process are running very slow speed. 
This time government now asked bank Details of ration card via this renewal form without submitting bank details no ration card , renewal will not be possible. So beneficiary are now facing problem to opening new bank account. So DM of each district going to take strict action against the kotedar / कोटेदार . if beneficiary will not submit there details before the last then his card will be suspend and supply of food and grains and other materials will be stopped.
As per as concern of  new ration card government now going to issue a ration card with digit signature. This ration card will be distributed from march 2015. currently only those candidates whose record are online will get new Digital Signature enable ration card but fresh card will be issue after the lok Sabha election . 
जिला पूर्ति अधिकारी / District supply officer will issue this ration card.
If you are also planning to apply for new ration card you can download application form for new ration card online through the official website of

Application Form For new ration Card download In PDF
राशन कार्ड कैसे प्राप्‍त करें How to Get a new Ration Card How to Apply for Ration Card
1. राशन कार्ड प्राप्‍त करने के लिये आवेदक खाद्य आपूर्ति / सी0 एस0 सी0 सेन्‍टर विभाग में पूर्व निर्धारित फार्म डी01 के अनुसार आवेदन  करेगा।
2.  आवेदक अपने परिवार की दो सत्‍यापित फोटो (पासपोर्ट) आवेदन पत्र के साथ प्रस्‍तुत करेगा।
3. आवेदक (उपभोक्ता) एक हलफनामे है कि उसका भारत में कहीं भी पहले और उसके परिवार के सदस्यों के नाम किसी भी राशन कार्ड में शामिल नहीं हैं की घोषणा देगा। आवेदक अपने स्‍थायी निवास तथा पिछले पांच वर्षो के पते की भी घोषणा करेगा।
4. आवेदक एक निश्चित तारिख के साथ एक पर्ची प्राप्‍त करेगा, जिसके अनुसार वह सम्‍बनिधत अधिकारी से सम्‍पर्क कर सकता है।
5.  आवेदक के द्वारा दी गयी सूचना को इंस्‍पेक्‍टर आवेदक के निवास पर जाकर सत्‍यापित करेगा।
6. राशन कार्ड जिला खाद्य और आपूर्ति के कार्यालय से एकत्र किया जा सकता है


  1. Sir
    Dadi ji ka mratprman patr banvana hi Kay karu ji


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