Admit Card download for Bihar Police Constable recruitment Exam 2014 Dates

Kendriya Chayan Parshad Sipahi bharti of state government of Bihar recently invites offline application form for various of constable. This is one of the biggest recruitment drive conducted by central selection council of Bihar for Bihar Police. There are total no of vacancies are 11783 of various categories. Last date of application form submission for Bihar constable vacancies is 28 February 2014 for various posts. 
Admit card for Bihar Constable recruitment exam 2014 | hall ticket | Call letter Download
First of Bihar Sipahi bharti parshad will do scrutiny of the received admit card after that those candidates who will found eligible for the posts of constable will be issues a admit card for Bihar Police constable exam 2014. admit card / call letter / hall ticket for constable vacancy will dispatched via speed posts before the examination so don’t worry about the written exam date, exam centre and other related info. Admit card will be dispatched before the 10 to 15 days of the written examination. Only those candidates who will issue written examination admit card they will be eligible for participating in the written examination. its expected that Duplicate admit card will be also hosted online , as Mexam.IN will get link for admit card download it will be posted here .
Bihar Police Constable Exam Syllabus and Pattern
Difficulty of the Bihar police constable exam question paper will be 10th level examination conducted by Bihar vidyalaya pariksha Samiti. All question of Sipahi bharti examination will be objective type and question paper will carry 100 marks. candidate will be awarded 3 marks for correct answer.
If candidates will failed to score at least 30% marks then he will be declared disqualified for Bihar constable exam recruitment 2014  and they will be also declared disqualify for physical measurement test / PET .

Written exam Date / exam schedule for Constable Examination yet not published however candidates can download detailed exam schedule from the official website of Bihar police constable vacancy which is
