Recently Bihar police / Kendriya chayan parshad published the notification for the recruitment constable posts. Application form and prospectus sell has been started in various posts office of Bihar and last date of application form submission is 28 February 2014. this time Bihar police going to recruit constable on a very large scale there are total no of vacancies are around 11783 posts in the pay scale of 5200-20200 + grade pay rs 2000. These constables will be appointed in district police, rail district police, Bihar army police, and other units of Bihar polices.
Selection procedure: first for a stale level common written exam will be conducted for all candidates for the recruitment of constable posts. After that a Medha Suchi will be prepared and candidates will be called for Physical efficiency test on the basis of Medha Suchi. An in the last those candidates who will declared qualified in both stages they will be call for medical examination.
Bihar Police Constable exam question paper pattern and Syllabus
First of all Bihar police do a scrutiny of the receive application form and those application form who will found correctly they will be issued a admit card. Candidates will be intimidated about exam date, exam center via this constable admit card. We will also update the exact date of the written exam here Mexam.IN so don’t worry about this.
Difficulty of the constable examination will be High school level / 10th level board examination conducted by Bihar Vidyalaya pariksha Samiti.
All questions will be objective type of the nature. Written exam will carry 300 marks.
Total 2 hour will be given for attempting the question paper.
Bihar police Constable exam question paper will contains 100 question and each question will carry total 3 marks.
OMR Sheet Will contains two sheet one for Department and another for candidates.
Qualifying Marks/ Cutoff marks : each candidates of all category are required to score at least minimum 30% marks in this examination otherwise they will be declared disqualified in the written examination they will be eligible for physical Test, and other test. 5 times of the proposed vacancies will b call for Physical test. Physical test will not carry any marks but no candidates will get exemption from the physical test.
Download official Syllabus of Constable written exam
- Hindi ,
- English (Number , Gender :, , Synonyms and , Antonyms : , Spelling : Parts of Speech , Noun : , ,Pronoun : , Verb : , Adjective : , Adverb : , Preposition : , Conjunction : ,
- Interjection : , Subject : , Common Errors. , Tense : , Idioms & Phrases.) ,
- Mathematics
- History
- Geography
- Civics
- General science : Physics , Chemistry and Biology
Detailed syllabus download
how to download the Bihar Police Constable Syllabus 2014