UP Lower PCS latest News Date, Schedule Subordinate Service Written Pre Exam 2014

As we know recently Lok seva ayoga postponed the preliminary examination name commission State lower subordinate services 2013. previously UPPSC lower PCS written exam was schedule to held on 19 January 2014 but after passing at lest 15 days there are no official news yet published by UPPSC that when they are going to conduct lower subordinate service examination.
No buddy knows what’s going in Up lok seva since one years. UPPSC yet not declared the results of Upper subordinate service preliminary examination 2013 after passing 7 months. According to previous year UP PSC exam colander UP upper subordinate service main exam was schedule to held on in the month of December but after ending of January month no news that they results will be published. on the other hand lower subordinate are facing a lot problem. Once again this examination has been postponed due to court cases. Candidates who are continuously hard working they are really very disappointed with mechanism of UP PSC. After passing one month there is also no news that when UPPSC will published notification for UP PCS 2014 even they not publish exam calendar for this year. It’s really a distracting and disappoint act of UP PSC. That’s why many students alos protesting against government in Allahabad, Lucknow and in many other districts. 
Another bad news is for all candidates who participated in graduate level examination from Lucknow, Patna, Allahabad, Delhi, Jaipur, Shimla and Dehradun that SSC also canceled CGL tier 2 examinations. They will be also declared written exam date once against. So mostly all examination is now days facing corruption. Aspirant are investing there valuable time and money but they are getting nothing rather then cancellation news / postponed news . well as we get any news related to UPPSC Lower Subordinate revised exam date, and SSC CGL New exam date it will be updated here Mexam.IN
